At last - we are on the web!

Well it's taken a while to get sorted but we have it up and working. We'll be using this site to up date everyone of events and activities happening at The Castle as well as the various pages providing the normal points of reference like menu's, wine lists and photos of dogs!

Our next event is our now famous Santa's Sack & Pass the Parcel that runs on Christmas eve.

If you want to get involved, ask one of the team and they'll tell you what you need to do.

In the new year we have loads more planned including the return of our food nights (Curry night

Sausage night, Pie night, Fish & Chip night, Roast night are amongst the possible runners and riders)

Then we are also hoping to introduce a regular theme night including:-

  Come dine with ????? (our guest chef evening)
  Quiz Night
  Re Vinyl Night
  Mr and Mrs

Mel, Kevin & the team at The Castle.

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