Our First "Come Dine with Me" evening

Yes on Saturday the 15th of March we host our first "Come Dine with Me" evening where one of our regular talented customers becomes chef for the evening.

The honour of being our first guest chef goes to Noi - everyone who has tasted her thai food is always very complimentary and so she was a natural choice for our inaugural event.

The meal will be a set 3 course dinner. We will confirm the price nearer the date. 

The menu will be a mixed platter to start (consisting of spring rolls, chicken sate, golden bags and prawn wraps).

Main course of either green or red medium chicken curry (we will need to know the choice of this for the evening) this will be served with rice and noodles. 

For dessert it will be Sticky Rice with Mango. 

We will need to close all bookings the week before so that we have confirmed numbers for the night.

If you are interested in attending, please either ask at the bar or give us a ring.